Scrum Agile Project Management

Product Owner Certifications

May 25, 2020 2

There are three roles in a Scrum team: the ScrumMaster, the developer and the product owner. This last role might be the most important for a team that uses an Agile project management approach in software development. The product owner has the responsibility of building and prioritizing the backlog. If this is not done properly, you will just not build the right product. This article presents the certifications available for product owners in Scrum.

The Story of LESS

May 18, 2020 0

In this presentation, Bas Vodde shares the creation of LeSS and within that side-track on explaining better how LeSS works. LeSS is a lightweight (agile) framework for scaling Scrum to more than one team. It was extracted out of the experiences of Bas Vodde and Craig Larman while Scaling Agile development in multiple different types of companies, products and industries over the last ten years.

Applying Exception Management to Agile Teams

May 11, 2020 0

The values contained in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development might be good for the Agile teams, but most of the senior management in organizations prefer having a defined solution, a detailed planning and a budget that should be respected. This article discusses how to make these two different approaches work together.

Liberating Structures

May 4, 2020 0

What would be made possible if you could unleash the intelligence and creativity of everyone in the Scrum team? Liberating Structures are a collection of easy-to-learn facilitation patterns that make this possible. They are field tested, rooted in complexity science and freely shared under a creative commons license.