Scrum Agile Project Management

Digité Changes Company Name to NimbleWork

March 8, 2023 0

Digité, Inc., a vendor Enterprise Lean/ Agile Planning and Project Management tools company, announced the change of its corporate brand from Digité, Inc. to NimbleWork, Inc. On the occasion, it also launched range of its latest AI powered Collaborative Work and Project Management tools, under the brand name Nimble.

Book Review: Discover to Deliver: Agile Product Planning and Analysis

February 27, 2023 0

Discover to Deliver is a book written by Ellen Gottesdiener and Mary Gorman. It aims is to help you to deliver a product that will please your customer. To achieve this goal, the book proposes a toolbox of techniques that are taken from multiple disciplines, from business analysis to software testing or product delivery.

How Team Culture Can Make or Break a Scrum Team

February 14, 2023 1

Based on a true story of the lessons learned coaching two Scrum teams on one product. Why is it that the same coaching techniques, in the same environment, can lead to drastically different outcomes? Learn how to identify the culture cycle and break bad habits to unlock the power of Agile team self-management.

Agile, Scrum & Kanban Redmine Plugins

February 7, 2023 4

Redmine is a popular open source project management web application written using the Ruby on Rails framework. This software is more oriented towards a traditional approach for project management with Gantt charts and calendar than Agile, Scrum or Kanban. However, the Redmine architecture allows however creating plugins to add additional features. The development of a number of Agile, Scrum, Kanban and Lean plugins has therefore been started in these past years.

How to Get Out of Technical Debt

January 30, 2023 1

This presentation discusses what technical debt looks like, and how easy it is to get into debt in the first place. Then the presenter proposes to put a plan into action to get out of it, understanding that you should consider technical debt as a business problem, not as a tech problem.

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