Scrum Agile Project Management

Building Agility with Design Sprints

October 28, 2019 0

Preaching the benefits of agility when pressed for a twelve-month release schedule makes for an awkward conversation. Business commitment and organizational change are needed to successfully adopt agility-building practices like agile, lean product management and continuous delivery. When their adoption is only tolerated by the wider organization on the condition that legacy ways-of-working are respected, their effectiveness is critically constrained.

Essential Scrum

October 21, 2019 0

The Kenneth Rubin’s “Essential Scrum” book starts with a foreword by Mike Cohn who writes “there must be billions of possible ways to implement Scrum. And while there is no single right way, there are better and worse ways to implement Scrum.” Mike Cohn writes also “what works in one company or project will fail in another”. The presence of Mike Cohn in this book is not a surprise as Kenneth Rubin hired him in 2000 to work on the implementation of Scrum at Genomica.

Asking Over Telling: Build Great Agile Teams

October 14, 2019 0

More asking, less telling. As an agile leader, you can adopt the approach of humble enquiry to build relationships, increase trust and collaboration, and deal with the challenges of organizational transformations for your Scrum team.

How To Work Past People Resistance to Becoming T-Shaped

October 7, 2019 1

T-shaped skills is a metaphor used to describe people with deep vertical skills in a specialized area as well as broader but not necessarily deep skills in other areas. This is a base for cross-functional Scrum teams, but people can resist this. Learn why and what you can do to change this.

Project Management Institute (PMI) Acquired FLEX from Net Objectives

September 30, 2019 0

The Project Management Institute (PMI), the largest not-for-profit membership association for the project managers, has announced the acquisition of FLEX from Net Objectives. The FLEX approach helps organizations understand “what’s not working” at a system level and identify bottlenecks and eliminate them to improve workflows. In Agust, the PMI announced already the acquisition of Disciplined Agile (DA), the company created by Mark Lines and Scott Amble that is backing the Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) framework.

Becoming Customer Focused: Learning to Listen

September 23, 2019 0

This customer focus listening workshop covers the basics of customer development: interview, building questions and adopting your customers’ language. You will learn: * How to get insight out of 90 seconds, stakeholder, customer or annoying boss * Basics of interview technique (open versus closed questions etc) * Cognitive Biases * Aspirational versus Experience driven Stories (stopping your customers lying to you)

Lean Kanban Central Europe, Hamburg, Germany, November 5-6 2019

September 13, 2019 0

Lean Kanban Central Europe is a conference focused on using Lean and Kaban in software development taking place in Germany. More than 30 international Lean and Kanban experts will share their experience reports, case studies and advanced ideas on managing knowledge work in an Agile way.

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