Scrum Agile Project Management

Agile Team Building Mechanics

December 17, 2018 0

At some point in your work as Agile coaches, you have to organize some kind of team building event. The brief you get is usually a combination of “fun” stuff with some “work” stuff mixed in. This talk share some alternative ideas for kicking things off with a Scrum team and creating a psychologically safe environment essential for collaboration, without cooking or paintball or escape rooms involved ;O)

Agile Performance Reviews that Don’t Suck

December 3, 2018 0

The end of the year if often the time for performance reviews. Should you still do this practice when you have Scrum Agile teams where the global results should be more valued than the individual peformance?

Organization 3.0 – Achieving a Modern Agile Organization

November 27, 2018 0

How can you achieve a modern Agile organization? Starting from the description of the version 1.0 and 2.0 of organizations, Zuzi Šochová explains how to transition to a new Agile work organization that relies team and communication more than on individuals.

Product Roadmap Inspired by Users

November 21, 2018 1

Your product roadmap can basically set your life course as a designer/researcher so why is it so often that user feedback can get lost in the discussion over “Feasibility” of implementation. Without a clear roadmap, research and design can often not have the lead time needed for activities. This leads to a state of forever catching up and being reactionary.

Confessions of a Serial Product Owner

November 19, 2018 0

Confessions of a serial product owner is a short guide to a business person aiming for becoming an excellent product owner in Agile and Scrum projects. It was written in 2009 and is based on the personal experience of Anna Forss.

Managing Product Teams by Outcomes

November 12, 2018 0

Shifting responsibilities from a “command and control” organization towards self-organized teams is not easy. In her article “Managing Product Teams for Success”, Teresa Torres discusses the challenges that you face when you try manage product teams by outcomes.

14 Things Every Agilist Should Know About Kanban

November 5, 2018 0

The common wisdom is that Agile need Kanban teams to do the work that the Scrum Teams can’t do yet as well as the stuff that you don’t want your Scrum Teams to be distracted by. There is however much more to Kanban than meets the common agilist’s eye.

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