Scrum Agile Project Management

Death by User Stories

September 18, 2018 1

Do you find that user stories grow and multiply until you can’t fit them in your Scrum sprints? Are you struggling to see the big picture? Are you lost in user story hell? This presentation examines the OOPSI (Outcome, Output, Process, Scenarios, Inputs) technique and demonstrates how it accelerates delivery by ensuring that you are always working on the right thing and can see the bigger picture.

Why a Product Owner Proxy is Key in Software Development Projects

September 11, 2018 1

The Product Owner is a key component of Scrum teams as the role a major influence on software development projects. It is however not always possible for the Agile team to get access to a full-time qualified Product Owner. This is why Marcelo Leonetti discusses in this article some situations where a Product Owner proxy could help Scrum teams solve some problems.

Are You Really Delivering Value?

September 5, 2018 0

So now that everyone and their dog is Agile, what has really changed? Are we really „delivering more value in less time“ as many agile approaches promise. What do we even mean by value? How do we know when we have delivered value? When we are “done” according to our “Definition of Done”, or when we can validate that a feature is being used by our customers?

Agilia, Budapest, Hungary, October 15-17 2018

August 30, 2018 0

Agilia Budapest is a three-day conference focused on Agile software development. The theme of this edition is the role of product owner and product management in Agile: creating vision, designing product, managing teams, role of Product Owner, engagement of customers and users, creativity and management of innovations. Use cases.

Project Myopia

August 27, 2018 0

Projects have been the main working mode of software development activities since the beginning of computers. According to Allan Kelly, it is however not the best mode to develop software. He fosters the #noproject movement to fight project myopia that he defines as the “belief that the project model is the only way of managing business change and development.”

The Goals of Agile Documentation

August 20, 2018 0

As the Agile Manifesto stated that it prefers “working software over comprehensive documentation”, some early Agile adopters jumped to the conclusion that documentation was useless. Thus Scrum software developers should only concentrate in creating working software with code that was the most easier to understand.

Scrum Teams: Easier Said And Done

August 16, 2018 0

Agile and Scrum team formation is a natural human response to certain conditions. Once they exist, the formation process begins. This session looks at those conditions, and then looks at what other conditions need to be reached to progress through the different stages defined by Bruce Tuckman: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing.

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