Scrum Agile Project Management

Running a Distributed Feature Team

February 2, 2015 0

In large Agile projects where a Scrum team cannot deliver the full system, you have different options to organize your team. You can use feature teams that work on a set of user stories or component teams that work on a subsystem or component. In his blog post, Michael Valenta reports his experience as a ScrumMaster from the usage of features teams.

Putting the BA into BAcklog

January 27, 2015 0

Business Analysis (BA) is a growing profession which is helping organisations to manage business transformation in an ever changing and complex world. Business analysts work across the business change lifecycle; they develop early understanding of business needs so that the right projects are funded for the right reasons and ensure that the solutions are developed that meet these needs. As a result, the Agile philosophy and techniques are fundamental to business analyst’s work.

Scaling Agile Metrics

January 22, 2015 0

When you start scaling Agile, you might need more metrics to assess you software development process. In this article, Janani Rasanjali Liyanage proposes some metrics that adhere to Lean and Agile principles to measure business agility in terms of predictability, reliability and adaptability.

Backlog Selection By Cost of Delay

January 20, 2015 0

Managing the product backlog and prioritizing the user stories if one of the main responsibilities of the product owners in Scrum. In this blog post, Andy Carmichael explains how to assess the priority of product backlog items using the cost of delay.

Is Constant Process Improvement Imperative?

January 13, 2015 1

This article examines the Agile myth that constant process improvement is imperative. It discusses the fact that if you need to continuously observe your process, you should wait for the pauses between iteration to perform process improvement.

The Inner Work of a Scrum Coach

January 8, 2015 0

This talk provides a is a reflection on what Michael De La Maza has learned as an Agile Coach about communication, emotional stress and team organization.

Continuous Agile

December 26, 2014 0

Some companies such as HubSpot or Google have developed techniques that allow small teams to create, test and deploy a continuous stream of releases. These companies are able to harness highly distributed Agile teams and scale to very large projects, while avoiding the tyranny of long meetings, conference calls, detailed estimates and sticky notes.

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