Scrum Agile Project Management

Your Scrum Team Needs to Document More

October 28, 2013 1

One of the major selling points of Scrum to developers is how much less documentation is involved. Developers worked hard to get where they are: a college degree, nights and weekends at home working through books and exercises trying to learn the latest language, and struggling through their first few projects to get something that works into production. They don’t want to come all that way just to spend most of their day in the word processor. They want to code.

How Scrum Fits into Prince2

October 23, 2013 0

Scrum is a lightweight framework for building complex software in complex environments and Prince2 is a framework for managing projects. Contrary to popular belief, the two work well together with the degree of governance large organisations require.

Large Scale Technical Agile

October 17, 2013 0

This article discusses the challenges faced by technical projects like real-time networking applications that involve multiple Scrum teams.

Practical Backlog Prioritization in Scrum

October 10, 2013 1

The prioritized product backlog is core to being Agile. A well prioritized backlog allows us to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software at then end of each sprint in Scrum. Lean and Kanban may call it something else, but there too, prioritized work is key.

Self-Designing Scrum Teams

October 8, 2013 0

In this article, Craig Larman and Ahmad Fahmy discuss how long does it take an organization to reorganize in order to adopt Scrum. This article is based on the transition done at Bank of America’s Merrill Lynch Global Securities Operations Technology where the software development teams went from a traditional activity based organisation (business analysts, developers, …) to Scrum.

Soft Factors: Decisive Prerequisites for Scrum

October 2, 2013 0

Soft factors include beliefs, character and attitude of people as well as the way we communicate. This presentation addresses for example: Why are we acting in a certain way? Who must change: Me or the other person? I “want” is better than I “must”. How to find out the true reason behind somebody’s behaviour? How can we win people instead of forcing them?

Agile and Distributed Projects

September 24, 2013 0

There are as many assumptions and misconceptions about global development as there are about agile development. In this article, Jutta Eckstein tries to remove these misconceptions and explain how Agile can be implemented and provide benefits in distributed software development projects.

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