Scrum Agile Project Management

Agile Project Management and Digital Signage

If you use digital signs, you’re probably always on the lookout for ways to make them more effective and productive for you. Because the nature of digital content delivery is a constantly evolving one, you’ll be happy to know that adding agile project management to your digital signs from Kitcast helps you deliver the best and most up-to-date content to your viewers in small, but incremental steps. Many industries have already found great success with this method. Here’s how it can work for you.

Author: Carla Simone

Agile Project Management and Digital Signage

What is Agile Project Management?

Agile project management is an iterative approach to project management. That is, it’s an approach that is created and applied with more than one version, with each successive one improving on the one before it, allowing a project to be broken into smaller and more management chunks. The end result is typically the success that the software is aiming to find.

One of the best aspects of using agile project management is its emphasis on a variety of features that optimize performance and success.

  • Customer feedback
  • Flexibility
  • Collaboration

The idea works by taking a project and breaking it into small tasks, often called sprints, which are designed to adapt to changes quickly, something that is important in the ever evolving world of digital technology. Agile project management promotes consistent and continuous improvement, the right amount of transparency, and delivers value to those involved in the project.

Agile Project Management and Digital Signage

Key Principles of Agile Project Management

There are several principles that make up an agile project management program. Understanding what it can do helps you integrate it into your digital signage for the best results. Consider whether the following components may be useful for your project management needs.

Iterative Content Development

This refers to the concept of breaking projects into smaller chunks, which are called iterations or sprints, each one lasting between one and four weeks. Applied to digital signage, this principle allows for regular cycling of content, review and release. At the same time, you can gather feedback for each iteration as it happens, allowing for relevant improvements as you go through each task and phase of the project’s development.

Collaboration with Customers

Collaboration with customers and stakeholders during the project lets you use feedback and reviews to make changes, as necessary. This information tells you what’s working and what needs to improve. This ensures that the final product is one that meets the needs of the target audience for which it’s being developed.

Adaptability and Flexibility

Agile project development, as the name implies, tells you that it’s adaptable and flexible. That gives you the chance to respond accordingly to content changes on your digital signs in a quick and efficient way. You can also respond in a timely manner to audience preferences and updates in the software and technology you’re using. This adaptability makes it easier to meet the ever evolving needs of content delivery. Rather than having a fixed plan, agile project management works best when it stays open and ready to make changes when they’re needed.

Cross-Functional Teams

In general, you’ll find that the teams working on agile project management plans come to the table with a variety of skill sets, coming together to create a high quality and useful development strategy. That includes content creators, stakeholders, developers and designers. This combination of skill sets ensures that the content on your digital signs is always engaging, aligned with your goals, and visually appealing to your audience.

Rapid Deployment

The use of agile development plans allows for rapid deployment of content. In other words, you can make updates and changes to content in real time, with very little effort involved. You can even do so on multiple screens at the same time. This is useful in a variety of industries, including medical, hospitality, retail and a variety of other situations when communication to the masses is necessary.

Consistent and Ongoing Improvement

Because there’s room for feedback at each stage of an agile development project, there’s also room for continuous improvement as you work toward the end goal. As you work through the steps, you can identify where changes can be made and ensure that future iterations are of a higher quality than the current one.


Digital signs are a powerful way to reach your target audience, in a wide range of industries, and are becoming an increasingly common aspect of marketing and advertising. Because they can be changed and updated quickly and easily, it makes sense to make them work for you. By combining digital signage with agile project management, you can create an environment that is efficient, effective and responsive to feedback, each step of the way toward creating your digital signage content and delivery schedule. The result is engaging and impactful content that is relevant and creates the ideal experience for your viewers.

About the Author

After 22 years working at the coalface of IT, Carla Simone changed her career track and took up writing. She writes on all kinds of technology topics with the aim of demystifying them and making them more generally accessible. She still prefers a desktop computer and there’s always room on her desk for her ginger cat, Bot