Scrum Agile Project Management

Giving Better Feedback

The first value of the Agile Manifesto is about “individuals and interactions over processes and tools”. Communication is fundamental inside and outside the Scrum team. In his article “Watch Your Words: Feedback Analysis”, Tom Bartel give some hints on how to improve the feedback process especially in a negative context.

Tom Bartel presents the concept of feedback based on the example of a new manager that has to deal with a subordinate making mistakes. Using this example, the blog post discusses the problem of conflict avoidance. After a first version of the conversations, the blog post analyzes the things that can be improved and proposed a second version of the same conversation. We can all make a good use of the conclusion of the this blog post: “This is an act of caring: Taking the time to follow up sends the message that Jared’s development is important to Robert. A good manager is a coach, and a good coach pushes his people.”

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