Scrum Agile Project Management

Overcoming Challenges in Agile ERP Inventory System Rollouts: Quick Guide

Adopting a new enterprise resource planning (inventory management ERP) system inventory management ERP system can be advantageous for a business in that it enhances organizational efficiency, cuts expenses and enhances access to inventory information. However, ERP rollouts are also associated with their own set of issues that need to be addressed for the project to be successful. It means that an agile strategy can be useful in handling challenges as they present themselves during the implementation process.

Understanding Potential Rollout Challenges

Some common challenges faced during ERP inventory management software system rollouts include:

Integrating with Existing Systems

Implementing a new ERP software for inventory management while retaining the old ones can be challenging since there is a need to transfer data from the old systems to the new ones, as well as make sure that the two systems are compatible. Conflicts can arise if not properly handled. Therefore, if you don’t have the necessary skills, you can seek help from companies that provide ERP software development services to do everything right.

User Adoption Issues

An ERP system overhaul significantly impacts end users’ day-to-day processes. Without proper change management and training, users may resist or struggle with adopting the new system.

Customization and Configuration Challenges

ERP inventory software platforms like SAP and Oracle require extensive configuration and customization during implementation. Configuring the complex platforms is tricky and if not done properly, can undermine ROI.

Testing and Data Issues

Migrating data, testing system functionality, accounting for edge use cases, and ensuring data accuracy provides little room for error during go-live. Otherwise, inventory ERP data integrity problems can quickly arise.

Tight Project Timelines

ERP rollouts are complex, multi-phase projects condensed into tight timelines. Unanticipated delays in any phase can swiftly impact budgets and the go-live date.

ERP leads to smoother operations and better teamwork. The top three benefits that businesses report are a centralized data system, increased collaboration, and a reduction in process time.

Overcoming Challenges in Agile ERP Inventory System Rollouts: Quick Guide

Utilizing an Agile Rollout Approach

Traditional sequential or “waterfall” enterprise resource planning inventory management implementation methods provide little flexibility to adapt to issues and changes during a rollout. Adopting an agile approach introduces more flexibility.

Phased Rollouts

In contrast to the single go-live date that refers to the implementation of the entire system across business units, the phased rollouts involve the implementation of the system in stages during different release cycles. This reduces disruption and the level of risk as the impact is contained.

Shorter Iteration Cycles

Agile is more about delivering value in small, frequent increments rather than adhering to a set plan. Short cycles also help in enhancing user feedback and responding to problems as and when they arise.

Continuous Testing

The agile approach therefore entails constant and automated testing rather than waiting for the full blown testing at a later stage. Early testing reveals more defects and data problems at a time when they are easier to fix.

Tight Collaboration

Daily scrums and direct interaction between the implementation teams and business users guarantee quick responses to issues that may arise during the rollout process.

Focus on User Adoption

User training is an important aspect of agile that involves training users in advance and, at the same time, incrementally delivering the system to ensure that the users are accustomed to the system and its usage, with a special emphasis on usability.

Key Focus Areas to Aid Adoption

While agile aids adaption during rollouts, businesses must also cultivate conditions across critical areas to drive user adoption by rollout completion.

Executive Sponsorship

To ensure that the rollout success of a new product remains a top-down process, it is recommended that executive sponsorship be achieved across the business units. Leadership needs to ensure user adoption is the new policy and is compulsory.

Project Governance

Having governance policies and controls in place through a centralized project management office keeps decision in line with a single strategic focus.

Ongoing Training Initiatives

User training should not be a one-time event at the time of implementation but an ongoing process so that personnel can use the ERP system inventory management processes as they are implemented.

Departmental Coordination

Cross-departmental planning and coordination groups help various business units understand how workflows will change and align processes accordingly.

Dedicated Help Resources

Providing readily available help resources like internal system experts, user support portals, and helplines eases user transitions following go-live.

Key Challenges and Mitigations by Rollout Phase

Each phase of an agile ERP inventory system rollout presents distinct challenges requiring mitigation tactics.

Design and Configuration

The third stage, design and configuration stage, is all about settings and integrations that make the platform suitable for business.

  • Challenges: Lack of fit between defined capabilities and goals, intricate interactions between the existing systems
  • Mitigations: It is recommended to perform integration testing on the early stage of the testing process, validate the configurations against the roadmap.


Rapid prototyping changes system designs from idea to operational capacity for stakeholders.

  • Challenges: Lack of resources/expertise, mapping future-state processes
  • Mitigations: Synchronized business & IT meetings identifying processes, agile user story backlogs


Validation confirms that the designs, configurations, integration, data, and workflows work as intended under a realistic production environment.

  • Challenges: Regression defects, data migration errors, accounting for edge cases
  • Mitigations: Automated regression testing, dedicated defect triage teams, user acceptance running UAT testing

Training and Change Management

Training and change management acclimates users to process changes while conveying system capabilities.

  • Challenges: New workflows/UIs disrupt ingrained legacy procedures, learning curves
  • Mitigations: Hands-on training sandboxes, workflow simulators, staggered training in line with rollout phases


Go-live transitions the ERP and inventory management system into production usage across the enterprise.

  • Challenges: Go/no-go decisions with residual defects, unexpected delays, transitional issues
  • Mitigations: Established escalation procedures, go-live playbooks, dedicated floor support teams


While rolling out an ERP and inventory management system allows businesses to leverage advanced capabilities and data visibility, the initiatives come with considerable challenges. Adopting an agile rollout approach provides flexibility responding to issues while tight collaboration and continuous user focus helps drive adoption across the transition. Targeted mitigation tactics also ease major rollout milestones. Together, these practices allow organizations to overcome the common barriers ERP implementations face. With sound strategies in place, companies can then fully benefit from the transformational upside of ERP inventory management adoption.

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