Agile change and transformation
As Scrum is the most popular framework adopted by organizations adopting an Agile approach for project management, many companies are trying to find financial facts that justify its adoption. This article discusses the topic of evaluating the return on investment (ROI) of using Scrum and Agile project management approaches. It suggests some hints about mistakes to avoid and on how to get meaningful results from this activity.
The best known project management framework with an Agile approach is Scrum. For something that is relatively simple to understand there is a lot of hype surrounding it. But why?
Patterns are the new defacto Scrum standard. In recent years, international Scrum Leadership has been meeting about once a year to write a rationalized foundation for Scrum using Organizational Patterns as a public resource.
When you come to a Scrum or Agile conference, you pick up new ideas that you’d like to try when you get back to work. However, you may feel like you hit a brick wall when it comes persuading your team to try the idea out. Resistance is very common in organisations large and small.
Being Agile: Eleven Breakthrough Techniques to Keep You from “Waterfalling Backward” is a book that aims to provides some techniques that will help teams starting to adopt an Agile approach to software development to solve some of the issues they will face. If your team is tempted to get back to the traditional project management approach, you will find material in this book to continue your journey towards Agile.
Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban: there are many approaches to manage product development and project in the Agile software development world. It is a good thing to have multiple Agile tools, but you should also know when to use them. In this article Brendan Marsh of Spotify explains why his team dropped Scrum for Kanban just before launching their product.
Implementing Scrum is difficult and it is always difficult to answer the question of where to start this Agile Travel. In this article, Ilan Goldstein shares 10 tried-and-tested steps to help new practitioners get their Scrum show on the road.