Scrum Agile Project Management

The Product Owner Role in Sprint Retrospective

September 15, 2014 0

The sprint retrospective in an important moment in the Scrum approach where the team think about its software development process and tries to improve it. As on of the three Scrum roles, the product owner has to play its part in this activity. In this blog post, Roman Pichler explains how product owner can play an active role during the retrospective meetings.

Retrospectives for Story Points

July 22, 2014 0

At the end of each sprint, the Scrum team take some time to think about what could be improved in its Agile process. In this blog post, Natalie Warnert discusses how you could also use the retrospective meeting to look at story sizes after the sprint and determine if they were correctly sized as far as story points are concerned.

Fun Retrospectives

June 30, 2014 0

If you are following an Agile approach to project management like Scrum, you should have adopted a continuous improvement practice. Retrospectives are the name of the meeting when the Scrum team makes a pause to think on how to improve its current. Fun Retrospectives is a book that should help you to animate these meetings.

Stop Doing Retrospectives

February 27, 2014 0

You have been doing Agile and Scrum for a few years now. With a regular cadence you have retrospectives and a lot of problems and great improvement opportunities are raised but nothing seems to really improve. Stop doing retrospectives!

Evolution of Retrospectives

February 13, 2014 0

There are a lot of teams out there who started their transition to agile/lean quite a while ago. Most of them did some great steps in the right direction. But after the first view month, after all of the low hanging fruits were harvested, most of the teams struggle with establishing a valuable and sustaining kaizen culture of continuous improvement using retrospectives.

Know Yourself and Adapt with Retrospectives

February 11, 2014 0

One of the principle of the Agile Manifesto is that “At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.” In this article, Glen Wang explains that ” the Scrum retrospective is a great platform for inspection and adaption, or knowing and doing. Know yourself and adapt to the world.”

Getting Value Out of Agile Retrospectives

January 20, 2014 0

Retrospectives are certainly one of the most important techniques used in Scrum as they form the foundation of the continuous improvement and adjustment to the context for the Scrum team. It is however not always easy to facilitate this activity with a bunch of software developers that are often mostly introverted.

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