Scrum Agile Project Management

Can a ScrumMaster Work with More than One Team?

April 28, 2015 0

The ScrumMaster is a key element of the Scrum teams that need such a role for facilitating their work. In his book “Scrum Shortcuts without Cutting Corners”, Ilan Goldstein discusses the question if a ScrumMaster can be member of multiple Scrum teams.

The Inner Work of a Scrum Coach

January 8, 2015 0

This talk provides a is a reflection on what Michael De La Maza has learned as an Agile Coach about communication, emotional stress and team organization.

Being a New ScrumMaster

January 22, 2013 0

What do you do when as a new ScrumMaster you meet resistance, opposition and modified Scrum practices when you start your first Agile project? In this article, Natalie Warnert provides ten survival tips for the new ScrumMaster.

Servant Leadership for the ScrumMaster

September 26, 2012 0

This article by Badri Srinivasan discusses the important notion of team leadership in Scrum and how the ScrumMaster should be a Servant Leader for the Scrum team. The article presents the principles of Servant Leadership. This is a philosophy and practice of leadership that is defined as “a management philosophy which implies a holistic view of the quality of people, work and community spirit. A servant leader is someone who is servant first and who contributes to the well-being of people and community.”

The ScrumMaster Is Not a Project Manager

September 11, 2012 0

In this article, Steve Hunton explains that, even if people expect that the shift to Agile practices includes a wholesale shift of roles,, the ScrumMaster does not play the part of the traditional project manager. He thinks that the project manager role is more filled by the product owner. The project manager is a decision maker accountable to the business for accomplishing the project objectives. The ScrumMaster is a coach and facilitator that sits between the project and the customer. He isn’t responsible for the project or managing the development team. If you have questions about the product, then you should ask it to the product owner. He concludes that if the ScrumMaster is making decisions about a product, then Scrum has not been properly implemented and there’s going to be confusion and conflict about who does and owns what.

Helping ScrumMaster with a Struggling Team

August 27, 2012 0

This short blog post by Len Lagestee provides some advice on how to coach a ScrumMaster with a struggling team. You first observe and ask questions to the ScrumMaster to understand the situation. Based on his answers, you can assess your options and determine if you need to teach, mentor or encourage him.

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