Marc Andreessen famously said “software is eating the world”. Yet most of our software development project teams and organizations simply are not set up for us to take part in this revolution. Why? Our organizational surroundings are directly responsible for inefficient design and delivery – locally-optimized silos, opaque and ossified power structures, multi-layered middle management, command-and-control executives – the failings are well known.
For us makers this is incredibly frustrating, when all we want to do is ship great product. This talk is going to show how your software engineering skills make you ideally suited to fix these organizational and cultural issues. This presentation will show you tried and tested ways to identify and fix these problems – fast-moving culture hacks, and safe organizational refactoring – so you can drive effective incremental change from the bottom up; change that responds to the specifics of your organization and focuses on efficient delivery of software; change that take its inspiration from the software development techniques which we know so well.
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