Scrum Agile Project Management

Remote Scrum Teams: 5 Things I am Doing Wrong

Its increasingly common that Agile software development teams are distributed across multiple offices, in different countries, all working remotely on the same product or project. But how do you make this work well? There seem to be a number of readily accepted tenants of conventional wisdom to help deal with leading distributed teams, from seeming good ideas “teams must be co-located” to ones that are purely economic “offshore teams can be run at a far lower cost”.

This talk challenges the conventional wisdom around leading Scrum distributed teams. Ted Tencza explores how he has structured distributed teams at, and explains where and why he deviate from conventional practices (teams are not co-located or bounded by geography for instance). He will show how ignoring or modifying these can produce much better outcomes, happier, more productive Agile teams, and a great culture of distributed work.

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